"All literature is displaced myth..." ~Dr. Sexson.
Philipp Otto Runge- Romantic German Painter
Runge provided various illustrations for the Brothers Grimm. Much of his work was in the style of Romanticized Goth, which explains his perfect place within the stories of the Brothers Grimm.
The Brothers Grimm seem to use scare tactics, suffering, and death in stories to teach youth to obey the morals hidden within their stories.
Alphabet...A is for apple!
~Repetition is the most prominent way to teach children in loo of memorization. Other examples of repetition in the learning process of children include: peek-a-boo, reading fairy tales, etc... Repetition stimulates the enhancement of brain development.
~Goddess of memory, Mnemosyne.
*What is the significance of the lack of names in fairy tales? Why is it important to understand why many characters are simply known as mother, brother, father, sister, instead of by concrete names?
Google Red Shoes!
For the most part, I found a lot of shoe websites, and many many sites that included information on the British film The Red Shoes. I guess I am not finding what I am supposed to be finding...
Fairy Tales can stand the test of time when they have songs so beautiful it stops the world around it. (In "The Juniper Tree" anyways.)
Character Representations in "The Juniper Tree"...
Mom = Dead
Stepmom = Evil
Father = Dumb
Sister = Kind/ Innocent
I am an extreme Wizard of Oz enthusiast, therefore, I cannot wait to see if we can do the graphic novel project!
So I know what a bodice ripper is...I thought about google-ing it, but I thought I probably shouldn't!